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Wayfair and Best Buy Talk Retail Now and Next with Alorica Replay
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Alorica sat down with leaders from Wayfair and Best Buy to examine the current state of the industry, the impact of new technologies, pre-Holiday season tips, and more 
  • Hybrid models and trends: Retail isn’t just eCommerce or in-person; finding the right balance of both is essential to maximize customer satisfaction and profitability, whether it’s offering buy online/return in store policies or opening a physical location after only having an online presence, like Wayfair.
  • Transforming repeat visitors into repeat customers: Customers often visit sites or stores several times before making a purchase—brands can inspire them with targeted, personalized suggestions, giving them ideas that translate into sales. 

  • Tailored technology solutions: Retail has been reticent to fully embrace AI-powered CX; to provide the most value, AI and emerging technology must be driven by what customers want, and not a solution in search of a problem. Harnessing analytics—an essential technology component—can help companies make smarter, more successful technology investments while providing personalized experiences to customers.

  • Gearing up for the holidays: In 2023, customers spent $464.4B during the holiday season, a 3.8% year-over-year increase. To thrive during the holidays (and not just survive), retailers should plan ahead—after the current peak ends—and harness technology and great partnerships to deliver the kind of CX that keeps customers coming back for more.   

Catch the full replay below—and connect with us to craft your best, year-round CX solution! 

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